Brightleaf sells document automation technologies—and technology-leveraged services—that help lawyers work more quickly, efficiently, accurately, collaboratively, and profitably. We deploy those technologies and services at law firms and in-house legal departments. Our customers at those firms and departments use Brightleaf to improve contract creation and contract negotiation…and to gain greater contract intelligence over their executed transactions. We make legal professionals better at their jobs. And we’re rightfully proud of our tools and our team.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s easy to sell innovative technology to lawyers. They were famously the last industry to adopt email…unless you consider “being Amish” an industry. In our seven years in the business, we’ve developed a complex-but-unassailably-true, 7-stage theory about why lawyers can often resist innovation (more on that theory in upcoming writings…but feel free to email us if you want an advance peek).
All of which is why we were especially glad to appear front and center in the Business section of this Sunday’s Boston Globe, in an article by Scott Kirsner entitled, “Start-ups Take on Tough Customers: Lawyers.” Besides the big feature photo of our fearless CEO and VP-Sales (No…they do not always wear the same shirt!), the article surveyed how companies like ours and our pals at the super-cool Mootus surmount objections from a market of professional objectors. And help lawyers help themselves, sometimes in spite of themselves.